No School Notice
Due to extreme temperatures and potential rolling blackouts, Turkey-Quitaque ISD will cancel school on Tuesday, February 16, 2021--No Remote Learning! Please stay safe and warm! Jackie Jenkins, Supt.

Teacher Plans for Remote Learners 11/30-12/4
Here are the teachers plans for the students this week! Remember Valley School uses Google Classroom/Google Meets for our Learning Platform along with others! Packets will be given to your child if you do not have internet . . .

Valley Patriot Stadium UIL Mitigating Covid Requirements
Executive Order GA-29 The Texas Division of Emergency Management has promulgated the following criteria for a county to be exempt from the face-covering requirement of GA-29: 1. The county must have 20 or fewer . . .

All Things for Remote Learning
Parents and Students, We will update this article with ALL THINGS REMOTE. Please, if you have any questions, have your child contact your teacher!
A Letter from the Turkey-Quitaque ISD Administration
Turkey-Quitaque ISD Administration has been notified that two of its employees and a student have tested positive for COVID-19. The staff members and the student are currently being quarantined and will remain so pending medical . . .
Patriot News from Supt. Jackie Jenkins
Dear Patriot Family, I was notified this morning that one of our Valley staff members has tested positive for COVID-19. The staff member along with immediate family is currently in quarantine and will remain in . . .
Valley Student and Faculty Daily Screening Survey
Please fill out daily---this is on an honor system
Please fill out daily for Valley Students Student Daily Screening Survey Faculty please fill out daily! Faculty Daily Screening Survey

Valley Patriots Re-Opening Plan for 2020-2021
Changes could be made due to the public health polanning guidance provided by TEA. Valley Patriots 2020-2021 Re-Opening Plan